International Academy for Advanced
Research and Studies-London


Your future is out there, just a few steps away, and your first step toward that future is a solid education. Whether it's the first two years of a Bachelor's Degree or training that leads directly into the job market, we can provide you with the education you need to get there.


This programme aims to

IARS is providing a professional training programme to prepare candidates for the International Financial Reporting Standards exam.

This programme aims to:
Demonstrate the basics and certain complexities associated with International Accounting Standards (IFRS) along with topic terminology, concepts and applications.
Ensure the recognition of the various elements of international accounting principles and standards including transition concerns
Teach the scope, structure, contents and components of IFRS compliant financial statements
Revenue recognition and financial reporting requirements

Accounting professionals
Financial executives
Any other professionals involved in the preparation, presentation, implementation or analysis of financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS

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