International Academy for Advanced
Research and Studies-London


Your future is out there, just a few steps away, and your first step toward that future is a solid education. Whether it's the first two years of a Bachelor's Degree or training that leads directly into the job market, we can provide you with the education you need to get there.

Choose Happiness at work

"Happy Brains Do Better Work"

IARS provides This programme to implement cutting-edge neuroscience and positive psychology to facilitate team development, employee engagement and thriving in the workplace.
HAPPINESS AT WORK is an interactive scenario-based tool that consists of 50 common workplace set-ups and over 100 science-based solutions.

Why choose this programme? Science suggests that a boost in happiness raises productivity by 10-25%.
It helps build thriving teams by encouraging engagement and boosting team morale by
Creates an OPPORTUNITY to discuss common workplace situations and helps gain insights about your team, their views of the situations and solutions.
Provides SCIENCE-BASED approaches to achieve more happiness at work, using Positive Psychology.

The Numbers Say it AllOur Statistics


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